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Animated Infographic - Refugee Flow Towards Europe
United Nations High Commission on Refugees Home Page
UNHCR - Syria Regional Refugee Response - Inter-agency Information Sharing Portal
Refugees of the Syrian Civil War (Wikipedia)
New York Times coverage of Syrian refugee crisis
Al Jazeera English - coverage of Syrian refugee crisis
The turmoil of today's world: leading writers respond to the refugee crisis
Syria’s Refugees: The Catastrophe
The Terrible Flight from the Killing
Flight from Syria: Refugee Stories (e-book at Pulitzer Center site - lots of other useful articles here, too!)
The politics of the Syrian refugee crisis, explained (Washington Post)
Violence in Syria Spurs a Huge Surge in Civilian Flight (New York Times 10-27)
Migrant Children, Arriving Alone and Frightened (New York Times 10-29-15)
What ISIS thinks about refugees (From ISIS' English language newsletter - see page 22)
Do Syrian Refugees Pose a Terrorist Threat? (Lawfare Blog)
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